Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Health Service Management

Question: Describe about the Report for Health Service Management. Answer: 1: Although the task of both an accountant and a health service manager is to keep a track on the financial transactions of the hospital, the duties of the people working in each designation differ. First, the job of an accountant is to manage the income of the hospital, in the form of the payment by the patients or various ancillary services as well as expenses incurred such as the tax payable to the government or the installation of new diagnostic equipments. However, the work of a health service manager is to keep a track on the expense incurred for improving the experience of the patients with the hospital, and how far the same is being achieved, and to know where to spend more. The accountants duty is to supervise and cross-check the financial statements, and find out if there is any error or omission in recording the transactions. But the duty of a health service manager is to plan the budget required for initiating a treatment with the patient and to understand how far he will be able to undertake the expense to be incurred. The financial duty of a health service manager mainly revolves around the expense incurred for providing quality treatment to the patients, while that of an accountant pertains to the expenditure of a general category (Longest et al., 2015). 2: New Zealand government has its own set of rules and recommendations, which require to be followed by the health service managers while performing their duties. New Zealand, has introduced Primary Health Organizations, which allow the people living in impoverished areas to gain access to medical facilities at low or no cost. But the problem, the health service mangers face, here, in adjusting the expense, is that all who live in impoverished areas are not poor. So, it might get hard for me to understand how much is to be charged from these people. Further, although PHO and IPA are medical institutions that render affordable treatment to the financially backward people, comparatively stable people might also take advantage of such health centers and deprive the much needy people of the treatment available. So, I shall require to know how to spot such economically stable people, and ask them to pay the actual expense, rather than affording the concession (De Cruz , 2013). 3 : The financial stakeholders in a hospital may include the patients, the payers or even the investors. It may happen that the patient has undergone a treatment against half amount of the total treatment expenditure, and in the process, his family has spent so much that his family has refused to pay the remaining cost of the treatment. Although, the diagnosis is done, the amount payable cannot be obtained. Again, it may happen that a patient is in a critical health condition, which demands the need of a more expensive yet innovative treatment method, but the patient refuses to opt for a complex form of treatment. Much complications can also arise from a patient, who has health insurance benefit, and hence wants the whole expenditure to be covered by the insurance agency, which has promised to pay only half the sum (Ofstad et al., 2013). 4: The financial stakeholders are the assets of any hospital, as they provide the firm foundation to the health center. External stakeholders, such as the patients and the investors are drawn to a hospital only if it has a good prospect, great infrastructure, and innovative diagnostic methods. Hence, they need to possess an insightful knowledge about the financial condition of the hospital. Again, internal stakeholders like doctors and nurses should also possess financial information of the hospital, as they need to know the extent to which the hospital is capable of affording and offering high-class treatment to the clients. Their whole process of medicinal recommendation will depend on this knowledge (Carpenter et al., 2013). Reference List: Carpenter, C. E., Bernet, P. M. (2013). How the choice of issuing authority affects hospital debt financing costs.Healthcare Financial Management,67(5), 80-85. De Cruz, P. (2013).Comparative healthcare law. Routledge. Longest Jr, Beaufort B., N. E. U. Blackboard, and WIMBA Pronto Instant Messanging. "Course Syllabus| HMG1103Managing Health Service Organizations."Instructor(2015). Ofstad, E. H., Frich, J. C., Schei, E., Frankel, R. M., Gulbrandsen, P. (2016). What is a medical decision? A taxonomy based on physician statements in hospital encounters: a qualitative study.BMJ open,6(2), e010098.

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